The annual report of the State Security Service avoids mentioning Russia as a threat

Today, the Parliament will hear the annual report of the State Security Service at the joint session of three committees.

State Security Service irrationally spends budgetary and human resources

The State Security Service has been investigating criminal cases, which by their nature do not fit into its work direction.

DRI: Consideration of the activity report of the State Security Service in the Parliament failed to ensure effective parliamentary oversight

On October 19, the Head of the State Security Service presented an annual report at the Parliament’s plenary session.  

DRI: The State Security Service should provide information on the progress of investigation into the Partskhaladze case
It is still not known under which article(s) of the Criminal Code the investigation is being conducted regarding Otar Partskhaladze. 
Parliamentary oversight of security institutions is flawed

On June 22, the Democracy Research Institute held a working meeting – “Parliamentary Control over the Security Sector”.

DRI: Changes relating to covert investigative activities threaten Georgia's European integration prospects
The Democracy Research Institute is once again responding to the draft amendments to the Criminal Procedure Code of Georgia, initiated by members of the ruling political team, which unjustifiably increases the terms of conducting covert investigative activities. 
DRI: Mechanisms for exerting illegal influence on police officers, military servicemen and State Security Service employees are expanding
According to the draft law submitted to the Parliament, it is becoming possible to transfer police officers, military servicemen and State Security Service employees to equal positions with similar functions in other geographical areas, with or without their consent.
DRI appeals to the Ministry of Internal Affairs relating to the so-called stencils case
The Ministry of Internal Affairs launched administrative proceedings relating to the stencils that can be seen on various buildings in the territory of the Tbilisi Municipality. 
DRI terms initiative of parliamentary majority as attempt to legalize total control
DRI is echoing the draft law submitted by members of the ruling political team to the Parliament, according to which the maximum period for conducting covert investigative activities is increasing and may be extended indefinitely, depending on specific articles.