Meeting - "Georgia Chooses Europe"

On July 17, the Democracy Research Institute held a meeting - "Georgia Chooses Europe", in Gurjaani.

How Should Nine Steps Be Fulfilled to Start EU Accession Negotiations
In December of 2023, the European Commission came out with a decision to grant Georgia EU candidate status, after which our country must carry out urgent reforms in nine priority areas. 
DRI: The action plan of the Government in the part of improving parliamentary control over the security sector is flawed

The Democracy Research Institute considers that only full staffing of the Trust Group cannot be considered a sufficient measure to fulfill the steps defined by the European Commission, and that the Government's plan is flawed in this direction.

Appeal of Georgian non-governmental organizations to the European Commission
We, the undersigned Georgian NGOs, share a common mission: to safeguard and advocate for the interests of Georgian citizens and to promote and instill European democratic values in Georgia.
New Security Architecture in Europe and its impact on Georgia - one year since European Perspective

Three organizations - "Civil Idea", "Democracy Research Institute" (DRI), and "Democracy Index - Georgia" held a conference “New Security Architecture in Europe and its impact on Georgia - one year since European Perspective”.

Civil society responds to the statement made by the Prime Minister of Georgia
Civil society organizations condemn the statement made by the Prime Minister of Georgia, Irakli Gharibashvili, at GLOBSEC’s 2023 Bratislava Forum on May 30.
Anti-Western statements made by Georgian Dream leaders are an attempt to avoid political responsibility
As the deadline for the implementation of 12 recommendations of the European Commission is approaching, the statements by the Georgian Dream leaders have become more Eurosceptic and negative towards various institutions of the European Union. 
DRI proposals for the implementation of EU recommendations relating to judicial reform

The Democracy Research Institute addressed the parliamentary factions and representatives of political groups with recommendations relating to the judicial reform.

Democracy Research Institute submits opinions to Parliament relating to strengthening of parliamentary control
On August 9, the Democracy Research Institute submitted written opinions relating to the strengthening of parliamentary control to the Committee. 
DRI: The Government should stop deliberately deepening polarization

Along with formal declaration of the need to reduce political polarization by the ruling party, the persecution of civil activists, media owners, members of student movements and opposition politicians continues in the capital and regions of Georgia.
