სოხუმში არ სურთ რუსეთის მოქალაქეებს უძრავი ქონების შეძენის უფლება ჰქონდეთ

აფხაზეთის დე ფაქტო პარლამენტმა დააინიციირა კანონპროექტი „აფხაზეთის რესპუბლიკის ოჩამჩირის, ტყვარჩელისა და გალის რაიონების სოციალურ-ეკონომიკური განვითარების დონის ამაღლების ღონისძიებების შესახებ“. 

Clans of former and incumbent de facto presidents are fighting for the control of occupied South Ossetia

The political crisis that started after the "elections" was accompanied by a bloody massacre in the center of Tskhinvali. 

Life beyond Enguri and Protection of Human Rights

On July 11, the Democracy Research Institute held a discussion – “Life beyond Enguri - Protection of Human Rights in Gali.

The case of Vitali Karbaia: Another institutional proof of ethnic discrimination in occupied Abkhazia

The Gali de facto district court released a police officer, who was involved in the murder of 44-year-old Vitali Karbaia, a resident of the village of Tsarche, Gali district. 

How was the illegitimate voting process conducted in South Ossetia/Tskhinvali region?

On June 9, 2024, de facto parliamentary elections were held in the occupied South Ossetia/Tskhinvali region. 

What will South Ossetia's de facto parliament look like in the next five years?

So-called parliamentary elections were held in the occupied Tskhinvali region on June 9, 2024. Seven political unions took part in the illegitimate elections.

Who is afraid of democracy in Sokhumi and Tbilisi?

On June 6, the Democracy Research Institute held a discussion on the topic: Who is afraid of democracy in Sokhumi and Tbilisi? 

What is happening in Abkhazia against the backdrop of the current political crisis in Tbilisi?

Abkhazians fear that if Georgia refuses the western course of its development, Abkhazia might be divided by the authorities of Georgia and the occupying Russia.

Sokhumi is delaying the consideration of the foreign agents law. At the same time, pressure on NGO operating in occupied Gali

Discussions and concerns about the draft law on agents of foreign influence have not subsided in Abkhazia. 

Muhajirism without Georgian Government’s political assessment
On May 21, our Abkhaz compatriots commemorate the tragic date of the beginning of the Muhajirism of Muslim Abkhazians.