Report released by US Department of State addresses problems raised by DRI

The United States Department of State has released its 2021 Country Report on Human Rights Practices in Georgia. The section on the occupied territories highlights the problems raised by the Democracy Research Institute (DRI).

DRI calls on Georgian authorities to respond adequately to security challenges
DRI responds to the act of aggression committed by the Russian Federation against Ukraine, the violation of the universal principle of prohibition of the use of force under Article 2 (4) of the UN Charter and the launch of mass hostilities across Ukraine. 
Georgian Government has been working without human rights strategy for two years

For the second year in a row, the Government of Georgia has been working without a document of human rights strategy, which makes any human rights activity carried out by public institutions fragmented and uncoordinated.

Evaluation of draft Counter-Terrorism Strategy
DRI reviewed the draft Counter-Terrorism Strategy of the State Security Service for 2022-2026 and sent its assessments, opinions and recommendations to the State Security Service and the Government of Georgia before the approval of the document. 
DRI responds to persecution of opposition candidates by Government on political grounds in Dmanisi
On December 9, representatives of DRI met with a number of people in Dmanisi to verify the reports about the alleged pressure on Ramiz Ramazanov, a majoritarian MP who entered the Dmanisi City Council with the support of the United National Movement
DRI holds meeting on investigative activities of the State Security Service

On December 7, the Democracy Research Institute (DRI) held a working meeting on "Investigative Functions of the State Security Service and Distribution of Criminal Cases among Investigative Bodies."

DRI: The identity of the head of the Anti-Corruption Agency is unknown to the public and his declaration is classified

The identities of the head of the Anti-Corruption Agency of the State Security Service and his/her deputy/deputies are unknown. Even their asset declarations are classified.

DRI intends to check the work expertise of the Georgian Dream mayoral candidates
The attention of the DRI was drawn by the Main Accents TV story aired on September 12, according to which, the mayoral candidates nominated by the Georgian Dream party had held high positions in the law enforcement agencies in the past. 
DRI: Illegal wiretapping and surveillance pose a serious threat to the development of the country
The Democracy Research Institute responds to the TV stories aired by TV Pirveli on September 12, according to which, the State Security Service exercises total control over public servants.
Which agency investigates the most corruption crimes?
The number of corruption-related cases investigated by the Prosecutor General's Office far exceeds the number of cases investigated by the Anti-Corruption Agency of the State Security Service. 