The Democracy Research Institute (DRI) announces the call for participants for Human Rights training. All the training expenses will be fully covered by DRI.
Training Dates: 15-17 February, 2020
Who can participate?
Civic activists and NGO representatives from conflict-affected regions who already have experience of civic activism.
Required documents:
In order to be considered, please submit a short autobiography (CV) outlining activities of civic activism in the conflict-affected regions and a cover letter describing how the knowledge gained during the training will be used.
Application deadline:
Applications will be accepted by February 9, 2020 at
The subject line should read Human Rights Training.
Main topics of the training:
Civic activists together with the invited expert will discuss the following topics: what is human rights; What does human rights law mean and how does it differ from other fields of law; Human rights beyond conventions and constitutional frameworks; How they affect our daily lives; Prejudices and myths about human rights; State's obligations in terms of protecting human rights and the role of human rights defenders; The fundamental principle of equality and the inadmissibility of discrimination; Human rights complaints at local and international level; The principle of universality; International order and tools of human rights daily protection.
Tinatin Khidasheli, the head of the non-governmental organisation Civic Idea and former Minister of Defense of Georgia will lead the training.
The training will be held with the support of the European Endowment for Democracy and aims at enhancing the capacity of civic activists in human rights protection.
5 თებერვალს, ,,ქართული ოცნების“ ლიდერმა მამუკა მდინარაძემ საზოგადოებას ახალი რეპრესიული კანონმდებლობის მიღება დაუანონსა.
On February 3,
after the party session, the leader of the Georgian Dream, Mamuka
Mdinaradze, announced the
tightening of
the repressive policy
by introducing amendments to legislation.
არასამთავრობო ორგანიზაციების სამართლებრივი დახმარების ქსელის იურისტები განაგრძობენ მშვიდობიანი დემონსტრანტების უფლებების დაცვას.