DRI: The constitutional right to assembly and expression has been disregarded by the authorities
On April 16, thousands of people gathered in the vicinity of the Parliament of Georgia to protest against the "Russian law". 
DRI: The court was guided only by the testimonies of police officers at the trial of persons arrested during forced eviction

According to the DRI, the case of two people who were arrested for administrative offences during the eviction of a family from a residential building was formally processed in Tbilisi City Court, and the decision is not based on the assessment of individual circumstances.

DRI: The authorites enforced unjust legislation by using mass police force
Today, huge state resources were spent on the forced eviction of one family from the block of flats located on Kekelidze Street.
DRI: The legal framework regulating freedom of assembly is flawed

Accordingly, the Democracy Research Institute considers it important to assess the legislation that regulates freedom of assembly and expression and actions of law enforcement officers in the process of exercising these rights.

Pressure on independent journalists intensified in Azerbaijan during pre-election period

According to the media reports, a number of journalists have been arrested in Azerbaijan in the last few months. 

DRI: The Government's selective attitude towards protesters incites aggression of violent groups
The Democracy Research Institute echoes the police response to the protest rally organized by the Conservative Movement/Alt-Info near Nata Peradze's house on January 10. 
DRI: The court ruling relating to Racha protesters is a positive precedent in terms of protection of the right to peaceful assembly

The court terminated proceedings against 6 persons and applied only verbal reprimands against 2 persons.

DRI: The authorities are illegally restricting the freedom of assembly and expression of the partcipants in the Racha protests
DRI considers that the authorities, from the very the beginning of the protests, used disproportionate force against peaceful protesters, who have not resorted to violence at any stage of the protests.
DRI condemns discrimination of political opponents by Georgian Dream on the ground of gender
Obscene and discriminatory statements made by the representatives of the parliamentary majority against female opposition MPs went beyond the scope of freedom of political speech and debate.
DRI: The newly built buildings transferred to IDPs in Tskaltubo are in bad condition

On August 2, representatives of the Democracy Research Institute arrived in the town of Tskaltubo, where they visited a new IDP settlement on Abkhazeti Street.
