Prime Minister of Georgia should resign immediately due to the Severe Consequences of the July 5 violence
The undersigned organizations, express our utmost concern and sorrow over the passing of Lekso Lashkarava, the operator of „TV Pirveli”. We would like to offer our heartfelt condolences to his family and loved ones.
DRI - Authorities have been inciting violence by hate groups for years
The March of Dignity makes it clear that Tbilisi Pride was not only denied the constitutional right to freedom of assembly by the authorities, but the latter also directly encouraged radical groups, through criminal inaction and statements made by high political officials.
DRI responds to the instances of violent attacks on Rustaveli Avenue
Prime Minister Irakli Gharibashvili's statement that Mikheil Saakashvili and the radical opposition are behind the March of Dignity is a direct incentive for radical groups.
DRI: State Security Service refuses to disclose the list of agencies where it has the so-called Odeers

Democracy Research Institute, in accordance with the rules established by the General Administrative Code, addressed Grigol Liluashvili, Head of the agency, with an administrative complaint.

The Government Should Not Allow Far-Right Violence Against The March of Dignity
In response to the March of Dignity to be held by the organizers of Tbilisi Pride on July 1-5 the far-right leader and founder of the movement, ERI Levan Vasadze issued an ultimatum to the Government demanding the "cancellation" of the Pride Week.
Georgian Dream violates the Charles Michel agreement and takes full control of the judiciary

The Democracy Research Institute notes that by appointing Supreme Court judges, the Georgian Dream will violate the spirit of the Charles Michel agreement and will contradict its literal meaning.

The amount of bribe for crossing the Enguri Bridge reduced from 3,000 to 2,000 Russian rubles
Discussions about the isolation of the Gali district mostly concern the strict regulations on the Enguri crossing point, the purpose of which is to isolate citizens remaining beyond the Enguri River from the rest of the territory of Georgia and state space. 
We call on the government to apply effective measures to secure the release of Zaza Gakheladze
NGOs call on the Georgian authorities to step up their political and diplomatic efforts to secure the release of Zaza Gakheladze, detained in Tskhinvali, and to develop a more effective human rights policy in the occupied territories.
Annexation of the village of Aibgha of Gagra district - A governor accountable to Russia appointed in the village
In May 2021, the Russian Federation officially formalized, beyond de facto control, the annexation of the village of Aibgha, which is part of occupied Abkhazia. 
DRI begins to study the impact of “ODRs” on public and private institutions

The Democracy Research Institute (DRI) continues to monitor the activities of the State Security Service. Among other things, the so-called “ODRs’ (from Russian: офицер действующего резерва. In English: Active Reserve Officer) are the focus of the DRI attention.
