Unprecedentedly high rate of illegal detentions in Tskhinvali
As of today, 7 people abducted from the Tbilisi-controlled area ​​ are in the Tskhinvali detention facility. 
DRI: Investigation into Lekso Lashkarava's death is unreasonably delayed
The Democracy Research Institute (DRI) is responding to the ineffectiveness and non-transparency of the unreasonably protracted investigation into the death of Alexandre (Lekso) Lashkarava.
29 years passed since the Lata tragedy
The tragedy that took place near the village of Lata in the Gulripshi district of Abkhazia on December 14, 1992 became one of the most tragic events of the fratricidal war. 
DRI responds to persecution of opposition candidates by Government on political grounds in Dmanisi
On December 9, representatives of DRI met with a number of people in Dmanisi to verify the reports about the alleged pressure on Ramiz Ramazanov, a majoritarian MP who entered the Dmanisi City Council with the support of the United National Movement
Mortality of women and prohibited abortion in Abkhazia
The de facto parliament of Abkhazia banned abortion by a regulation passed five years ago, which led to an increase in the number of illegal abortions and impacted women’s mortality rate.
DRI holds meeting on investigative activities of the State Security Service

On December 7, the Democracy Research Institute (DRI) held a working meeting on "Investigative Functions of the State Security Service and Distribution of Criminal Cases among Investigative Bodies."

The tempting policy of the de facto authorities of Abkhazia in the Gali district
The integration of the only ethnic Georgian enclave remaining in Abkhazia, the Gali district, into the economic and political space of the de facto republic is still considered a matter of urgency. 
DRI submits opinions relating to the package of legislative changes to the State Inspector's Office
The Democracy Research Institute (DRI) has submitted opinions relating to the package of legislative changes to the State Inspector’s Office. 
The Coalition calls on the Parliament to properly and timely implement the decision of the Constitutional Court
Access to judicial acts is critical for ensuring judicial accountability. 
DRI: The National Agency of Public Registry should not register Conservative Movement political party
On November 20, 2021, the Alt-Info team founded a political party - Conservative Movement. The leaders of the Conservative Movement are the organizers of the violent events of July 5, who have not been prosecuted yet. 