DRI: Situation in Potskhoetseri IDP settlement is the gravest
The Democracy Research Institute (DRI) protects the legal interests of IDPs living in the Potskhoetseri IDP settlement[1] in the Tsalenjikha municipality and the Tbilisi Sea sanatorium Kartli[2].

The rights situation of IDPs, their right to life and health, and provision of adequate living conditions for them are constantly in question. Despite the ongoing process of resettlement, some of the IDPs still have to live in old, damaged buildings, where their life is in danger every day.
The situation is especially difficult in the Potskhoetseri IDP settlement in the Tsalenjikha municipality. The settlement is completely cut off from the outside world. IDPs have to live in the most difficult conditions. Potskhoetseri is located 22 kilometers from the center of the municipality. The central road to the settlement and the bridge are extremely damaged. The settlement is not served by municipal transport. A privately owned vehicle takes people to Tsalenjikha three times a week, only if there are a sufficient number of passengers. The fare is GEL 3.5, which is difficult to pay for extremely poor IDPs. The drinking water tank of the settlement needs to be rehabilitated, water pipes need to be purchased and outdoor lighting needs to be installed. Drainage canals and internal roads are in a deplorable condition. As IDPs do not possess agricultural lands in their ownership, they cannot engage in agriculture. Buildings and houses in the settlement are old, sewage flows into the yards. Drinking water is supplied on schedule. Registration/legalization of houses needs legal regulation.
The Democracy Research Institute has already addressed the Prime Minister of Georgia and other responsible officials regarding the difficult social conditions of people living in the Potskhoetseri IDP settlement in Tsalenjikha. Appeals have been sent to the State Representative in Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti Region, the Minister of Regional Development and Infrastructure, the Chairman of Tsalenjikha Assembly, the Mayor of Tsalenjikha, the Minister of Refugees, Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia and the State Minister for Reconciliation and Civic Equality. None of the agencies have yet replied to us about the measures taken or to be taken.

The recommendation of the Democracy Research Institute is to quickly and effectively address the social, economic and infrastructural problems of the IDPs and to create adequate, decent living conditions for them, which requires cooperation between state agencies and complex efforts.

[1], 2011, "Life in Potskho Etseri",
[2] Radio Liberty, 2022, "Titanic at the Tbilisi Sea - When Your House is Collapsing",