The document “Guiding Principles: Preventing and Responding to Bullying and Cyberbullying“ was drafted by the Democracy Research Institute.
The purpose of the Guiding Principles for Preventing and Responding to Bullying and Cyberbullying was to bring together international legislation, terminology, analysis of the causes of bullying and cyberbullying its prevention mechanisms, and best crisis intervention practices. Also, to share recommendations to further improve effective prevention and response policies on bullying and cyberbullying among children in the country.
The document is intended for professionals working with and for children, teachers, educational institutions, and anyone interested in the topic. In addition, it will be useful to parents and professionals who work in the field of parent empowerment.
Published with the support of UK Fund for Sustainable Peace Complementary Initiative to COBERM, a joint initiative of the United Kingdom government (UK) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of the organization Democracy Research Institute and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of either UK or UNDP.
Guiding Principles: Preventing and Responding to Bullying and Cyberbullying
მიხეილ ყაველაშვილმა 29 დეკემბერს ხელი მოაწერა შვიდამდე კანონს, რომლებიც ზღუდავს შეკრებისა და გამოხატვის თავისუფლებას, სამართლიანი სასამართლოს უფლებას.
On December 26, several cases of unjustified dismissal of civil servants became known to the public.
საპროტესტო აქციებზე დემოკრატიის კვლევის ცენტრის თანამშრომელი გიორგი წაქაძე დააკავეს, რომელიც პოლიციის მხრიდან განხორციელებულ ძალადობაზე გვიყვება.