Georgian Dream passed the
Russian law, which prohibits free and critical opinions in Georgia, depriving
the people of Georgia of the path to the European Union.
About an hour after the
statement made by Parliament Speaker Shalva Papuashvili, civil activist Zuka
Berdzenishvili was assaulted. According to reports, three people secretly
approached Berdzenishvili from behind near his house and beat him severely.
Zuka Berdzenishvili suffered injuries mainly in his face. He underwent
emergency surgery.
Shalva Papuashvili's Facebook post
refers to "an organized and politically motivated campaign of terror ongoing
in the name of Europe", which, according to the Speaker, is being carried
out against the MPs who supported the Russian law. Zuka Berdzenishvili is
mentioned in the statement along with other activists. According to Shalva
Papuashvili, he and his associates called, threatened and insulted Members of Parliament.
The attack on Zuka Berdzenishvili within an hour after Shalva
Papuashvili's statement once again proves that the authorities not only incite
and promote, but also manage the criminal activities of the violent groups. The incitement to violence by
the authorities is a method of
intimidation of civil activists, which has
become especially relevant after the re-introduction and adoption of the
Russian law. The fact that the authorities
are behind the attacks on the offices of civil activists and civil society
organizations is confirmed by the June 1 Facebook post of Georgian Dream MP Dimitri
Samkharadze, where he indicates: "We will not tolerate anything and we
will not pardon you... we will have a thousand times worse, painful and quality
response."! We will treat you so
that you won't even want to show up anywhere or see each other! . . . We
know the identity of each of you."
Although in most
cases the identity of the attackers on activists,
politicians and offices of civil society organizations is
identifiable, moreover, there is the testimony of Dimitri Samkharadze, where he
confirms that the processes are managed by Georgian Dream,
until now there has been no progress in the
formal investigation.
The Democracy Research Institute expresses
solidarity with all activists and civil society organizations.
11 დეკემბრიდან აფხაზეთის მოსახლეობა დენით დღის განმავლობაში 2 საათი და 48 წუთის განმავლობაში ისარგებლებენ.
სამართლებრივი დახმარების ქსელის ცხელ ხაზზე ბოლო დღეებში შემოსული ინფორმაციის თანახმად, საპროტესტო აქციებში მონაწილე უცხო ქვეყნის მოქალაქეებს შსს მიგრაციის დეპარტამენტში იბარებენ.
ბოლო დღეებში ხელისუფლება საპროტესტო დემონსტრაციებში მონაწილე და აქტიურ მოქალაქეთა წინააღმდეგ საპოლიციო ტერორის ახალ ფორმებს იყენებს.