unbearable life of ethnic Georgians in the occupied territories, where people
struggle for survival, creates a real danger of emptying these regions of
Georgians. Absence of a feeling of physical and economic security,
discrimination on the ground of ethnicity, systemic corruption, the Georgian
language being purposefully and consistently expelled from everyday existence
and education, represent an incomplete list of the elements of daily life of
ethnic Georgians.
occupied Akhalgori district is no exception. In the absence of official data,
according to local population estimates, 90 percent of the population has left
the district after the 2008 war. The fact that Akhalgori has practically been
emptied of its population can be seen in the number of existing educational
institutions and the quality of education.
the six schools operating in the occupied Akhalgori district (Ikoti, Boli,
Korinta and Balaani), two - Korinta and Boli schools - will be closed from
September 2024. The official reason is the absence of students. Both schools are
9-grade institutions. The Boli school is a branch of the Akhalgori school, and
the Korinta school is a branch of the Ikoti village school. The Boli school is located
about 1.5 kilometers away from the township, and in order to keep it operating,
the children of the teachers employed in school used to go there from the
township. They have already finished 9 grades.
the official reason for the absence of students, the unbearable existence of
students of general educational institutions and their families are behind the
closure of schools in occupied Akhalgori. If until 2017, studies in Akhalgori
schools were conducted in the Georgian language, using the Georgian curriculum,
from September 2017, the education language has been completely replaced by
Russian. This year's graduating class in Akhalgori was the last to receive
education in the Georgian language. The Democracy Research Institute has
previously written that the transition to the Russian language seriously
worsened the quality of education in Akhalgori. It is difficult for students to
learn in Russian and for teachers to teach subjects in Russian.
vast majority of teachers are ethnically Georgian and have received their
education in the Georgian language. The de facto security service of Tskhinvali
may use this circumstance to dismiss ethnically Georgian and disloyal teachers
from Akhalgori schools. For example, the local population does not believe in the
lack of knowledge of the Russian language named as the reason for the dismissal
of one of the teachers of one of Akhalgori's schools. The reason for the
dismissal does not seem convincing in the background that the teacher had been
teaching a subject in Russian before as well and that a person close to KGB is likely
to replace him.
* * * * *
away the right to receive education in one's mother tongue violates the right
to quality education and access to education. According to the case law
established by the European Court of Human Rights, despite the fact that
Georgia cannot exercise effective control over the occupied Tskhinvali region,
the State of Georgia is obliged to activate political, legal and diplomatic
efforts to ensure that the population of Akhalgori district receives education
in their native language.
11 დეკემბრიდან აფხაზეთის მოსახლეობა დენით დღის განმავლობაში 2 საათი და 48 წუთის განმავლობაში ისარგებლებენ.
სამართლებრივი დახმარების ქსელის ცხელ ხაზზე ბოლო დღეებში შემოსული ინფორმაციის თანახმად, საპროტესტო აქციებში მონაწილე უცხო ქვეყნის მოქალაქეებს შსს მიგრაციის დეპარტამენტში იბარებენ.
ბოლო დღეებში ხელისუფლება საპროტესტო დემონსტრაციებში მონაწილე და აქტიურ მოქალაქეთა წინააღმდეგ საპოლიციო ტერორის ახალ ფორმებს იყენებს.