On December
26, several cases of unjustified dismissal of civil servants became known to
the public. Several
of the National Agency for
Crime Prevention, Execution of Non-Custodial Sentences and Probation
LEPL were
dismissed on the grounds of
expiration of their
contract. As reported in the media, the Agency
dismissed its only social worker, as well as its only psychologist. Against
the backdrop of the
acute staff shortage, it is strange not to extend contracts with these
employees. It is also worth considering that, according to the Law of Georgia on Social Work,
the relevant agencies of the Government of Georgia are obliged to gradually
increase the number of social workers so that by 2025, social workers employed
in the territory of Georgia fully fulfill their official duties assigned to
them by law. The social
worker, who has been dismissed by the agency, is one of the signatories to the
statement of civil servants, in which civil servants distance themselves from
the unilateral suspension of the European integration process by Georgian
Dream. The Agency confirms that employees employed under short-term contracts
will not have their contracts extended after December 31. Given these facts, it
is even more plausible to assume that the dismissal of the particular social
worker is not related to the work needs, but to political persecution.
It also became
known that Giga Sopromadze, executive
secretary of
Tbilisi City Hall’s council working on issues of persons with
disabilities, had
also been dismissed.
Sopromadze’s dismissal in the card
of Tbilisi City Hall’s Department
of Healthcare
and Social Services is explained
by the fact that he is a freelancer, and all healthcare and
social programmes
implemented by the Department already
have their own coordinators and a freelance position is no longer needed. After
8 years of work, Giga Sopromadze’s dismissal suspiciously coincides with his
publicly expressed critical position regarding the unilateral suspension of European integration by Georgian
Dream. Sopromadze is one of the initiators and founders of a new trade union of
public servants, the goal of which is to protect the labour rights of
party-neutral, independent public servants. Georgian Dream Secretary General and
Tbilisi Mayor Kakha Kaladze responded to the critical statement of civil
servants regarding the suspension of European integration by threatening to
conduct reorganization, and it seems that Sopromadze, as one of the most active
civil servants, is
the first target of the announced persecution.
The dismissal
of civil servants,
who do not agree with the decision of Georgian Dream to suspend European
will likely take the form of a larger-scale persecution in the near future. The
dismissal of civil servants on clearly
party grounds, as well as the introduction of amendments to the Law on Public Service to
deprive public
servants of labour
guarantees, is another sign that Georgian Dream has left the constitutional and
legal space. The party-based persecution in public service will be possible to stop only through
the unity, organization and solidarity of civil servants. Society should
support in every possible way the process of establishing a party-neutral,
independent public
service, solid foundation for
which is being laid by the
unilateral suspension of European integration process by Georgian Dream
and the activism and organization of public servants for the protection of the
Constitution and their labour
rights in response to the
violation of the Constitution.
მიხეილ ყაველაშვილმა 29 დეკემბერს ხელი მოაწერა შვიდამდე კანონს, რომლებიც ზღუდავს შეკრებისა და გამოხატვის თავისუფლებას, სამართლიანი სასამართლოს უფლებას.
საპროტესტო აქციებზე დემოკრატიის კვლევის ცენტრის თანამშრომელი გიორგი წაქაძე დააკავეს, რომელიც პოლიციის მხრიდან განხორციელებულ ძალადობაზე გვიყვება.
For more than 7 years, civil activist Tamar Mearakishvili has been a victim of persecution and harassment by the de facto authorities of South Ossetia.