On February 20, representatives of the Democracy Research Institute (DRI) met with members of the I See You movement.
The meeting was held within the framework of the project “Rallies Under Observation". The project aims to achieve the realization of the constitutionally guaranteed right to peaceful assembly and freedom of expression.
Representatives of the Democracy Research Institute briefed the members of the movement on how the organization's monitors work.
Four monitors of the Democracy Research Institute have been observing all the protests across Tbilisi and Mtskheta, which are: a) of political content and b) organized by civil activists and/or political parties.
The project is being implemented with the support of the Open Society Foundation.
ცხინვალში ბოლო დროს მომხდარი ინციდენტები, რომელშიც ფიზიკური ძალა გამოიყენეს ოპოზიციური აქტივისტებისა და ჟურნალისტების მიმართ, აჩვენებს დე ფაქტო ხელისუფლების რეპრესიულ მიდგომას.
DRC echoes the events developed in Tbilisi and Batumi on January 11-12, 2025, when police forces arrested about 20 peaceful protesters, some of which were later released after signing the relevant document.