Understanding and Combating Far-Right Extremism and Ultra -Nationalism in Georgia (September-November)
The present study is a result of a three-month media monitoring conducted by the Democracy Research Institute (DRI).
The Democracy Research Institute continues to monitor the activities of far-right groups and their leaders on their Facebook pages and online media.
Needs of People Living along the Occupation Line
There is an active migration of population in both settlements. The reason, along with security, is socio-economic problems.
26 years - IDPs awaiting decent living conditions
26 years have passed since the conflict of Abkhazia. Despite this, the state has so far failed to provide decent living conditions for all IDPs. 
Results of social and online media monitoring report for October

The Democracy Research Institute continues the study of the far-right discourse in Georgia. 

Media monitoring conducted in October once more confirmed that the far-right groups and leaders in Georgia actively use the platform of online media and social networks for voicing their ideas and attracting the followers.

Monitoring results for September
In September, as in the last four months, the fragmentary and hybridous political ideology of far-right groups was revealed. This, first of all, implies that members of these groups use different ideological platforms to attract followers. 
Monitoring of gatherings and demonstrations by far-right extremist groups in Georgia (May-August)
Since May 2019, Democracy Research Institute (DRI) has been monitoring the gatherings and manifestations of far-right extremist groups. The report describes the results of monitoring the demonstrations and counter-demonstrations of the far-right extremist groups in Georgia. 
Social Media Monitoring Results (May-August)
The present study is an analysis of the results of a four-month media monitoring carried out by the Democracy Research Institute (DRI), which presents and analyzes the activities of Georgian far-right groups and their leaders in social and online media, key messages and target groups from May to August 2019. 
Monitoring Results - August
The media monitoring of the far-right discourse in Georgia was actively conducted by “Democracy Research Institute” in August. Research objects for August were fifteen (15) far-right groups and Facebook pages of their leaders. Moreover, “Democracy Research Institute” was monitoring nine (9) online-media outlets.
Monitoring Results - July
Democracy Research Institute (DRI) continues its study of ultra-national and far-right discourse in Georgia. In July, 15 far-right groups and their leaders' Facebook pages were identified as the study objects. Three major themes emerged in July: 1. The homophobic discourse was particularly intensified as a background to ,,Tbilisi Pride.” 2. The campaign against Rustavi 2 TV Company. 3. The issues connected to David Gareji.