Monitoring of gatherings and demonstrations by far-right extremist groups in Georgia (May-August)
Since May 2019, Democracy Research Institute (DRI) has been monitoring the gatherings and manifestations of far-right extremist groups. The report describes the results of monitoring the demonstrations and counter-demonstrations of the far-right extremist groups in Georgia. 
Social Media Monitoring Results (May-August)
The present study is an analysis of the results of a four-month media monitoring carried out by the Democracy Research Institute (DRI), which presents and analyzes the activities of Georgian far-right groups and their leaders in social and online media, key messages and target groups from May to August 2019. 
Monitoring Results - August
The media monitoring of the far-right discourse in Georgia was actively conducted by “Democracy Research Institute” in August. Research objects for August were fifteen (15) far-right groups and Facebook pages of their leaders. Moreover, “Democracy Research Institute” was monitoring nine (9) online-media outlets.
Monitoring Results - July
Democracy Research Institute (DRI) continues its study of ultra-national and far-right discourse in Georgia. In July, 15 far-right groups and their leaders' Facebook pages were identified as the study objects. Three major themes emerged in July: 1. The homophobic discourse was particularly intensified as a background to ,,Tbilisi Pride.” 2. The campaign against Rustavi 2 TV Company. 3. The issues connected to David Gareji.
Monitoring Results - June
“Democracy Research Institute” (DRI) continues monitoring of the Facebook Pages of ultra-nationalist and far-right groups’ and their leaders’ and the main tendencies of the activity in social media.
Monitoring Results - May
“Democracy Research Institute” (DRI) carries out monitoring of Facebook pages of ultra-nationalist and far-right groups and their leaders and observes patter of their activities in the social media. In May, three main issues have been identified.