Far-right forces use COVID-19 pandemic for anti-liberal and sharply disinformative campaign
In April, the spread of coronavirus remained in the focus of the majority of Georgian far-right Facebook pages.
The Needs of People Living Along the Occupation Line (Village of Karapila)
DRI continues to study the needs of the population living along the occupation line. In early April, we obtained the information online about the Gori Municipality village of Karapila, located near the occupation line.
Results of social and online media monitoring report for March

In March, Lugar Research Center, European Institutions and the Civil Society became a Target for Far-right and Pro-Russian Online Media

Bershueti – The needs of people living along the occupation line
On March 21, team members of the Democracy Research Institute visited the village of Bershueti, which is located near the occupation line in the Gori municipality. People can freely enter and move in the village. 
The needs of people living along the occupation line (Kirbali, Tsitsagiantkari and Dirbi)
On 10 March, DRI visited the villages of Kirbali, Tsitsagiantkari and Dirbi which are located along the occupation line, to study the needs of the local population on the ground.

Democracy Research Institute (DRI) publishes its second monitoring report on rallies
Monitors of the Democracy Research Institute observed 8 rallies of political content, which were organized by political parties and civil movements in Tbilisi from February 1 to February 29.
Results of Social and Online Media Monitoring Report for January

The Democracy Research Institute continues to study the main trends of far-right groups’ and their leaders’ activities in social network and online media.


Interim monitoring results of protests and trials of January 2020

The Democracy Research Institute has been observing the protests of political content, organized by political parties and civil movements, and the trials of the detainees since December 30.

The needs of people living along the occupation line (Kaspi municipality villages: Vake, Zadiantkari, Saribari)

On January 27, researchers of the Democracy Research Institute got information about the needs of the residents of Vake, Saribari and Zadiantkari villages of the Kvemo Chala and Kodistskaro communities. The villages, located near the occupation line, are populated by ethnically Ossetian citizens.


The Democracy Research Institute continues to study the discourse of far-right groups and their leaders in the context of social and online media.
