Overview of Far-Right Media Outlets by DRI

Democracy Research Institute (DRI) has published an overview of the owners and most frequent respondents of online and mainstream media platforms characterized by far-right rhetoric and hate speech.

Movement documents in Gali district
The severe social and economic problems of the population of the occupied regions are further complicated by the obstacles artificially created by the de facto authorities, which exacerbate their daily lives.
Intensity of demonstration of loyalty to Church by politicians distinguishes 2021 elections from other elections
The Democracy Research Institute has published a monitoring report on the participation of religious organizations and clergy in the pre-election campaign of the second round of the 2021 elections. 
Georgian Dream and Patriarchate cooperate closely during pre-election campaign
The Democracy Research Institute has published an interim report on the participation of religious organizations and clergy in the pre-election campaign. 
Pre-election rhetoric of far-right political entities on social media
The Democracy Research Institute (DRI) examined the pre-election rhetoric of far-right political entities and detected a total of 625 manipulative narratives.
Monitoring of the participation of religious organizations and clergy in the pre-election campaign
The Democracy Research Institute monitors the participation of religious organizations and clergy in the campaign of the local self-government elections. 
Problems faced by population living along the occupation line (Ganmukhuri, Khurcha, Orsantia, Rukhi, Potskho-Etseri IDP settlement, Muzhavi,Pakhulani)
In order to explore the problems of the population living near the occupation line, DRI visited the villages of Tsalenjikha and Zugdidi municipalities.
DRI: Election entities use clergy and religious themes in pre-election campaign
The observation of the official pages of election entities on social networks showed that political entities manipulate the support of the clergy in order to gain the support of voters in the run-up to the elections. 
Problems of population living along the occupation line
Economic poverty is the main concern of the residents of the villages located near so-called the occupation line.
The needs of the villages along the occupation line

DRI identified the problems and needs of the population of the villages located along the occupation line. DRI researchers visited 24 villages and two IDP settlements in Gori, Kareli, Kaspi, Dusheti, Tsalenjikha and Zugdidi municipalities. 

