Our Position
Understanding 'unknown' tragedies
Many agree today that it is futile to talk about conflict transformation or reconciliation without a critical review of the past.
DRI's view: Russian "soft power" and manipulation of memory in the Gali district
De facto ministry of foreign affairs of Abkhazia is threatening to suspend international activities carried out in Abkhazia without its consent
DRI: What does the regulation of NGOs’ activities by Russian legislation in Abkhazia mean?
The first sign of changes in Abkhazian politics was the appointment of Inal Ardzinba as a de facto foreign minister, a person with experience of working for Putin’s authorities in Moscow. 
Will the de facto authorities of Abkhazia defeat ethnocracy?
The issuance of de facto Abkhaz passports to Georgians living in Abkhazia is still on the agenda. Georgians constitute a large part of the population of the republic and their exclusion is only detrimental to the development of Abkhazia. 
What does the fight against criminals mean in Abkhazia?
After defusing the internal unrest in Abkhazia in December 2021, the de facto government of Aslan Bzhania looks and acts more confidently. 
What we can expect from Inal Ardzinba
The appointment of Inal Ardzinba as de facto Minister of Foreign Affairs of Abkhazia and his meeting with international organizations operating on the territory of Abkhazia have already been widely reacted by the Georgian media and experts. 
Creeping "ethnic" cleansing of Akhalgori continues
At the end of 2020, due to the sharply deteriorating migration processes, the de facto authorities of Tskhinvali began to issue special movement permits. 
Religious Organizations and Elections
The Article is available only in Georgian language
Far-right radicalisation and Russian soft power
The growth of the far-right in Georgia is a dangerous development and it especially threatens the country’s Euro-Atlantic integration. Russian soft power appears to have played a role in this process. 
Monitoring Covid-19 in Abkhazia and South Ossetia - Ucha Nanuashvili
A former Ombudsman of Georgia, Ucha Nanuashvili founded a public policy think tank with a special focus on human rights in the occupied regions, as well as political and judicial reform in Georgia, with the aim to consolidate democracy, accountability and good governance.