The de facto authorities of Tskhinvali pursue policy of intimidation against Akhalgori population

The de facto authorities of South Ossetia try to intimidate the local population with arrests and various charges in order to achieve more obedience.

DRI: Akhalgori is being left without local population

Akhalgori is in danger of being left without the local population. The reason for the above is the new policy of the de facto authorities.

DRI: Removal of activists' tents represents unjustified interference with demonstrators’ rights

Monitors of the Democracy Research Institute observed a rally held by members of the Giorgi Vashadze - Strategy Builder Party on October 5.

DRI: Distance learning increases the threat of cyberbullying

Distance learning has made the threat of cyberbullying even greater, especially under circumstances when the state has not yet taken necessary measures to prevent or respond to cyberbullying.


DRI condemns violence against journalists in Marneuli and calls for objectively investigation
The Democracy Research Institute condemns the physical abuse of journalists and cameramen that took place in Marneuli on September 29, as a result of which, their health and equipment were damaged.
DRI: The authorities fail to properly assess the threat created by the strengthening of ultranationalist groups

The number of members of ultranationalist groups is growing day by day, which makes the threat posed by the strengthening of extremist forces real in the country.

Attacking the Public Defender has become a habit for government officials
The signatory organizations, wish express our extreme concern over the yet another attack on Nino Lomjaria, Public Defender of Georgia, by Irakli Kobakhidze, Executive Secretary of the ruling party, the Georgian Dream.
Tamar Mearakishvili, an Akhalgori-based civil activist, has been the victim of retaliation by the de facto South Ossetian government
Tamar Mearakishvili, an Akhalgori-based civil activist, has been the victim of retaliation by the de facto South Ossetian government for more than three years.
DRI: Amendments to the Law on Information Security pose a threat of unrestricted control
DRI is responding to the amendments to the Law of Georgia on Information Security and believes that they uncontrollably increase the authority of the State Security Service and its operative-technical agency.
DRI: State Security Service and weak parliamentary oversight mechanisms

On September 15, the Democracy Research Institute held a presentation of a study and a discussion on the theme: "Mechanisms of parliamentary control over the State Security Service of Georgia and their importance".
