Democracy Research Institute monitors the ongoing rallies

Monitors of the Democracy Research Institute observed the protests in front of the Parliament of Georgia and Bidzina Ivanishvili's business center on February 17 and 18.

Training for Civic Activists

On February 15-17, the Democracy Research Institute (DRI) organized training on human rights for civic activists from conflict-affected regions.

Akhalgori Pupils and School Personnel are forbidden to Speak in Georgian

As DRI is informed, Georgian citizens living in the occupied Akhalgori territory are denied from the right to education in their native language.

DRI – Personal data protection is formality until releasing private life videos remains a method to fight against political opponents
Today, January 28, the international Data Protection Day is being celebrated for the 14th time. This initiative of the Council of Europe aims to raise awareness in the field of personal data protection.
DRI: Not allowing demonstrators to enter the City Assembly building contradicts the principle of publicity of representative bodies

Monitors of the Democracy Research Institute observed a rally organized by opposition political parties and civil movements in front of the Tbilisi City Assembly on January 27.



Call for Participants: Human Rights Training

The Democracy Research Institute (DRI) announces the call for participants for Human Rights training. All the training expenses will be fully covered by DRI.

DRI: Tamar Mearakishvili's issue should be on the agenda for all parties involved in the conflict
The Democracy Research Institute states that the government's efforts to help Akhalgori civil activist Tamar Mearakishvili are inadequate and insufficient.
DRI: The State Does Not Show Proper Efforts to Help Genadi Bestaev

 Tskhinvali de-facto court sentenced to two years in prison to Georgian citizen Genadi Bestaev.

DRI: Appointment of Irakli Shotadze as Prosecutor General will be the Refusal of the Idea of Independent, Transparent and Depoliticized Prosecutor’s O

The Democracy Research Institute calls on the Prosecutorial Council to reject Irakli Shotadze’s candidacy for the Prosecutor General’s position.

Democracy Research Institute observes trials of activists detained on December 31, 2019

Monitors of the Democracy Research Institute observed the trials of civil activists detained in front of the Parliament building on December 31.

