According to the unofficial information DRI was provided with, the condition of T.G. who fell into the several-meter deep well on November 3 in Akhalgori is critical.The injured person has multiple bruises, swelling of the face and body, difficulty to speak.
The patient could not be transported to the Georgian-controlled territory against the wish of the relatives who requested the transportation of the injured person on the day of the accident. The de facto authoritiestransferred him/her from Akhalgori district hospital to Tskhinvali and stated that the patient received all the necessary medical help. Currently, T.G. is discharged from Tskhinvali medical facility and is at home.
Due to the low-quality healthcare in the occupied regions, this is not the only case when the qualified medical care on-site is not available for the patients.
The Democracy Research Institute calls on the authorities to do their utmost, including using the assistance of international partners to transport the injured T.G. to Georgian-controlled territory.
ცხინვალში ბოლო დროს მომხდარი ინციდენტები, რომელშიც ფიზიკური ძალა გამოიყენეს ოპოზიციური აქტივისტებისა და ჟურნალისტების მიმართ, აჩვენებს დე ფაქტო ხელისუფლების რეპრესიულ მიდგომას.
DRC echoes the events developed in Tbilisi and Batumi on January 11-12, 2025, when police forces arrested about 20 peaceful protesters, some of which were later released after signing the relevant document.