The Democracy Research Institute has applied to the Audit Office to examine an alleged donation made by Konstantin Morgoshia to the Conservative Movement. Since the establishment of the party, Morgoshia has declared himself a sponsor of the party, although official data does not confirm the above.
"[The party's sponsors] are mostly me and businessmen related to me. They operate in post-Soviet countries, which have virtually no connection with Georgia. They are Georgians - some are in Kazakhstan, some are in Russia, some are in Uzbekistan, etc."
Despite this statement, according to the monitoring of political finances, Konstantine Morgoshia has not yet made a donation in favor of the Conservative Movement.
Pursuant to subparagraph d of part 2 of Article 341 of the Law of Georgia on Political Associations of Citizens, the State Audit Office of Georgia is authorized to apply to the court with a request to conduct an ad hoc financial audit of a party in case of reasonable suspicion of its illegal financial activities.
The Democracy Research Institute calls on the State Audit Office, due to high public interest, to provide us with information if the it has already started proceedings relating to the illegal financial activities of the Conservative Movement.