How was the illegitimate voting process conducted in South Ossetia/Tskhinvali region?

Georgian Dream adopted the Russian law, which restricts free and critical opinions in Georgia. The law blocks the path of the people of Georgia to the European Union.

On June 9, 2024, de facto parliamentary elections were held in the occupied South Ossetia/Tskhinvali region. On the “election” day, due to bad weather, electricity was cut off in several towns and villages, due to which residents had to vote by candlelight. According to the de facto authorities, the "elections" were held democratically and without violations, however, according to reports, there were attempts to stuff ballots en masse, to bribe and intimidate voters, and to bring unknown voters to the polling stations.

According to the source of the Democracy Research Institute:

  • There was an attempt to stuff ballots en masse in one of the polling stations in the city of Tskhinvali.
  • In one of the villages, where about 30 people were brought to vote in an organized manner, the locals noted that they did not know the "voters" and they were not their fellow villagers.
  • On one of the streets of Tskhinvali, the owner of a one-room apartment found 23 people registered at his address, who were registered a week before the elections.
  • According to Atzamaz Bibilov, chairman of the United Ossetia party, there were cases of bribing voters on the “election” day.
  • Dzambolat Tedeev's People's Party also brought people to the polling stations in an organized manner.
  • About 500 people, the majority of whom have no connection with Akhalgori, were brought from North Ossetia, Chechnya, Dagestan and various regions of the Russian Federation to vote for Zaza Dryaev, the candidate of the ruling party Nikhas, in Akhalgori.
  • Residents of Akhalgori were demanded to vote in favor of the ruling party Nikhas and its candidate Zaza Dryaev by representatives of the security forces. Intimidation and bribery were used as a method of "persuasion".
  • In exchange for voting for the representative of the ruling party, several families in Akhalgori were given movement documents (valid for 3 months) for the family members who had been unable to arrive in Akhalgori.
  • Residents of Akhalgori were asked to show a photo proof that they had voted for Dryaev and the Nikhas party. Many of them showed photos to the head of the district office of the party directly at the polling station.

According to the de facto central election commission, voter turnout was 72.32%. In Tskhinvali - 65.75%, in Tskhinvali district - 70.32%, in Java district - 91.40%, in Znauri district - 94.91%, and in Akhalgori district - 80.62%. As for the polling stations opened outside the so-called republic, 171 people voted in Moscow and 2,634 in Vladikavkaz. No "polling station" has been opened in Sokhumi.

According to the latest, June 11 data of de facto central election commission, all ballots have been counted. As a result, the votes were distributed as follows: United Ossetia - 31.52%; Nikhas - 30.60%; People's Party - 16.03%; Communist Party - 7.01%; Unity of People - 4.49%; Иры Фарн - 4.71%; Unity - 1.98%; against all - 3.66%.

According to the chairman of the United Ossetia party, if the data from Vladikavkaz are not canceled, where about 700 ballots were declared invalid, the party will not participate in the work of the so-called parliament.

დაკავებულ მოქალაქეებს არაადამიანურად ეპყრობიან!

სამართლებრივი დახმარების ქსელის ადვოკატების ინფორმაციით, 2 დეკემბერს დაკავებული პირების უმეტესობა არის სასტიკად ნაცემი.

DRC:სამართალდამცავებმა კვლავ გამოიყენეს არაპროპორციული ძალა მშვიდობიანი დემონსტრანტების წინააღმდეგ

საპოლიციო ძალები მეოთხე დღეა იყენებს არაპროპორციულ ძალას და ორგანიზებული დანაშაულის ჩადენით, ცდილობს დანერგოს შიში მშვიდობიან აქციის მონაწილეებში.

DRC მოუწოდებს საპოლიციო ძალებს შეწყვიტონ უკანონო ბრძანების აღსრულება და მშვიდობიანი დემონსტრანტების ძალადობრივი მეთოდებით დარბევა

პარლამენტის მიმდებარე ტერიტორიაზე საპოლიციო ძალებმა კვლავ უკანონოდ დაარბიეს მშვიდობიანი აქცია და განსაკუთრებული სისასტიკით უსწორდებიან დემონსტრანტებს.
