developments particularly
demonstrate that in the absence of an independent, effective, accountable and
efficient State Security Service, it is impossible to hold fair and free
elections in the country. Evidence obtained by independent observers indicates
that the State Security Service actively participated in the systemic
violations of the October 26 parliamentary elections.
The report,
which summarizes the eight-month monitoring of parliamentary oversight of the
State Security Service, analyzes and critically assesses the effectiveness of
existing mechanisms for the parliamentary
oversight and control of
agencies within the security sector, focusing on the broad powers of the State
Security Service and the irrational expenditure of resources. The document also
the State Security Service’s 2023 activity report.
Since its establishment, the State Security Service has received over GEL 1 billion in funding from the
state budget. Over the past two years, its funding has increased by almost GEL
30 million. At the same
time, from January 1, 2020 to March 1, 2024, the State Security Service
launched investigations
into crimes that, by their nature, do not fall within the Service’s work area. In addition,
the launch
of investigations
into crimes against the State
by the State Security Service (without concrete results) makes it clear that
the agency is using its mandate to intimidate the public.
the above-mentioned circumstances, proper parliamentary control is especially
important. The organization considers
that parliamentary control over the State Security Service further weakened in 2024, which may be related to the adoption of
the “Russian law” by the Parliament, protests, and the Government’s repressive
Passive legislative activity, failure to use interpellation procedure, mandatory attendance at the Defence and Security Committee and other parliamentary oversight mechanisms in relation to the head of the State Security Service, and consideration of the Service's annual report in a closed format and without developing recommendations, have a negative impact on the transparency of the work of the State Security Service, its accountability and public trust in the agency.
5 თებერვალს, ,,ქართული ოცნების“ ლიდერმა მამუკა მდინარაძემ საზოგადოებას ახალი რეპრესიული კანონმდებლობის მიღება დაუანონსა.
On February 3,
after the party session, the leader of the Georgian Dream, Mamuka
Mdinaradze, announced the
tightening of
the repressive policy
by introducing amendments to legislation.
არასამთავრობო ორგანიზაციების სამართლებრივი დახმარების ქსელის იურისტები განაგრძობენ მშვიდობიანი დემონსტრანტების უფლებების დაცვას.