Abkhaz youth can get higher education abroad only in Russia
After the start of the war in Ukraine, according to the locals, the European educational space has been closed for Abkhazia. 
DRI: Getting 10-day "visas" to enter the territory of Abkhazia is twice more expensive for ethnic Georgians
Entry into and exit from the territory of occupied Abkhazia is regulated by the law adopted by the de facto parliament of Abkhazia in 2016. 
DRI: The controversial draft law gives Russian citizens the right to purchase real estate in Abkhazia

The sale of real estate and land to foreigners is still prohibited in Abkhazia. Prohibitions related to the purchase of property in Abkhazia for Russian citizens have repeatedly become a reason for the irritation of high-ranking Russian officials.

DRI: Akhalgori residents appeal to the authorities to cancel the new rule imposing additional barriers on freedom of movement
The residents of Akhalgori are allowed to move to the territory controlled by the central government only for 10 days a month. 
DRI: Tskhinvali security service searches Akhalgori schools
On June 13, the so-called security service of Tskhinvali conducted a search in Akhalgori municipality schools. According to the information obtained by the Democracy Research Institute, documents and textbooks were seized.
Russian propaganda is gaining strength in Gali
The Democracy Research Institute wrote earlier that Russian propaganda and the process of ideologically winning the ethnically Georgian population over had entered a new phase in Abkhazia.
Russia continues full financing of Abkhazia’s state security service
 the Russian Federation will fully finance the salaries and pensions of the employees of the state security service of the republic of Abkhazia until January 2026.
DRI: Russian "soft power" is still active - social aid was brought to Gali villages from Krasnodar region

At the end of May 2023, social aid arrived in Gali from the Krasnodar region, which aims to increase the local population’s support to Russia.

Muhajirism without Georgian Government’s political assessment
On May 21, our Abkhaz compatriots commemorate the tragic date of the beginning of the Muhajirism of Muslim Abkhazians. In 1867 more than fifty thousand Abkhazians left their homeland, who were forced by the Russian Empire to emigrate to Turkey. 
Gali public school director bullies children

According to the information available to the Democracy Research Institute, the director of the second public school of Gali has been insulting the locals of Gali every day for 11 years, emphasizing their ethnic origin and place of residence.
