Annexation of the village of Aibgha of Gagra district - A governor accountable to Russia appointed in the village
In May 2021, the Russian Federation officially formalized, beyond de facto control, the annexation of the village of Aibgha, which is part of occupied Abkhazia. 
Blacklists and restrictions on movement in Akhalgori
In late May, the de facto authorities of South Ossetia tightened restrictions imposed on Akhalgori residents. 
Ineffective investigation of Jabiev's case, restriction of the right to a lawyer and repressions in Tskhinvali
Inal Jabiev allegedly became a victim of torture and inhuman treatment that led to his death.
Muhajirism without Georgian Government’s political assessment
On May 21, our Abkhaz compatriots commemorate the tragic date of the beginning of the Muhajirism of Muslim Abkhazians.
29 years have passed since the tragedy of Dzari
29 years ago, a convoy traveling from South Ossetia to North Ossetia was attacked and fired by unidentified individuals in the village of Dzari in the Java district.
“Precision terror” in Akhalgori
The de facto authorities of South Ossetia continue to harass Georgian representatives of the education and culture spheres living in Akhalgori and to restrict their freedom of movement. 
Preparations for tourist season in Abkhazia and their impact on the Gali district
Tourism accounts for a large part of Abkhazia’s own, non-subsidized revenues.
Identity and passport policy in the Gali region

In order to distance the Gali district from the rest of Georgia, the de facto government of Abkhazia and Russia's local organizations pursuing soft power policy are actively using the tools of identity policy.

Gali between Abkhazian and Russian cultural-educational policies
The cultural and educational policies of Russia and the de facto government of Abkhazia are increasingly taking the form of deep integration of the region of Abkhazia into the Russian space. 
Russian soft power in Gali?
Civil servants of Abkhazia received salaries in late March that had been delayed for three months. 