Restrictions on the Movement Might Have Another Casualty

One more person has died due to the closure of Akhalgori district checkpoint.

The body was taken to Tskhinvali for examination to determine the cause of death.


Democracy Research Institute Addresses Government with Recommendation to Assist Isolated Population of Akhalgori District
The closure of a checkpoint in Akhalgori district by the de facto authorities in September left locals without vital services.
Democracy Research Institute Responds to the Crisis Created by the Closure of the So-called Administrative Border
The closure of a checkpoint in the village of Mosabruni (so-called Razdakhani) in Akhalgori district by the de facto authorities in September left locals without vital services. The Democracy Research Institute calls on the authorities to take effective steps to resolve the situation.
Democracy Research Institute presented primary results of its research of far-right groups and their activity
On September 26, the Democracy Research Institute organized the presentation of primary results of its research of far-right groups and their activity.
DRI files amicus curiae brief on the group violence in Samtredia
On September 11, 2019 the Democracy Research Institute filed an amicus curiae brief to the Samtredia District Court, regarding alleged group violence based on the victim’s ethnic origin and religion with the reason of intolerance. 
Monitoring results of the demonstration held in front of the State Chancellery building on July 25, 2019
On July 25, 2019, DRI representatives observed the demonstration organized by the members of the far-right movement in front of the State Chancellery building. The territorial dispute between Georgia and Azerbaijan concerning Davit Gareji region was named as the reason for the demonstration.
Monitoring results of the demonstration held in front of the parliament building on July 8, 2019
On July 8, 2019, DRI representatives observed the demonstration organised by the members of the ultranationalist far-right movement and Orthodox clergymen in front of the parliament building.
DRI Statement
Democracy Research Institute expresses its readiness to provide legal assistance to persons affected by hate crimes through representation in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Prosecutor's Office and the court.
Interview with Ucha Nanuashvili on June events
"In any case, it is necessary to have constitutional norms guaranteed and every citizen should enjoy the freedom of assembly and the rights granted by the law." - Ucha Nanuashvili, Director of DRI
June 14, 2019 demonstration monitoring results held in front of the State Chancellery
Representatives of the "Democracy Research Institute" have observed the June 14 events.