Conservative Movement/Alt-Info continues preparations for the 2024 parliamentary elections
The Conservative Movement/Alt-Info was one of the first to start preparing for the 2024 parliamentary elections, a year earlier, in October 2023, with visits to the regions. 
How Should Nine Steps Be Fulfilled to Start EU Accession Negotiations
In December of 2023, the European Commission came out with a decision to grant Georgia EU candidate status, after which our country must carry out urgent reforms in nine priority areas. 
Russia plans to completely isolate Abkhazia for its annexation

Russia is methodically approaching the annexation of Abkhazia. Each step of the Russian policy serves the above-mentioned strategic goal - establishment of complete Russian control in Abkhazia.

DRI: The action plan of the Government in the part of improving parliamentary control over the security sector is flawed

The Democracy Research Institute considers that only full staffing of the Trust Group cannot be considered a sufficient measure to fulfill the steps defined by the European Commission, and that the Government's plan is flawed in this direction.

DRI: The fuel crisis in occupied Abkhazia continues: What versions does the society have?
The crisis related to oil products in occupied Abkhazia and the Russian monopoly on the fuel market are still relevant. 
Systemic management problems in the health care sector of the occupied Akhalgori district
The de facto authorities of South Ossetia are unable to effectively manage the public sector. The health care sector is particularly problematic.
DRI: The Georgian language is being deliberately persecuted in occupied Abkhazia and Tskhinvali
The Georgian language is being purposefully and consistently persecuted from the daily life of ethnic Georgians living in the occupied territories. 
DRI: Pre-trial detention of Akaki Chikobava and Giorgi Khasaia, who were arrested on Kekelidze Street, is disproportionate
The first court session of Akaki Chikobava and Giorgi Khasaia was held on January 25, 2024. The Prosecutor's Office demanded the use of pre-trial detention against both activists. 
DRI: The court was guided only by the testimonies of police officers at the trial of persons arrested during forced eviction

According to the DRI, the case of two people who were arrested for administrative offences during the eviction of a family from a residential building was formally processed in Tbilisi City Court, and the decision is not based on the assessment of individual circumstances.

DRI: The authorites enforced unjust legislation by using mass police force
Today, huge state resources were spent on the forced eviction of one family from the block of flats located on Kekelidze Street.