DRI: Consideration of the activity report of the State Security Service in the Parliament failed to ensure effective parliamentary oversight

On October 19, the Head of the State Security Service presented an annual report at the Parliament’s plenary session.  

DRI: The State Security Service should provide information on the progress of investigation into the Partskhaladze case
It is still not known under which article(s) of the Criminal Code the investigation is being conducted regarding Otar Partskhaladze. 
Israeli-Hamas military conflict intensifies the anti-Western rhetoric of far-right groups
The renewed military conflict following the Hamas attack on Israel has given new impetus to the anti-Western rhetoric of the openly pro-Russian far-right groups. 
How will the placement of the Russian fleet in Ochamchire impact the transformation of the Georgian-Abkhazian conflict? Vision from the Gali district
The information voiced at the meeting held between de facto Abkhazian president Aslan Bzhania and Vladimir Putin in Sochi on October 4, 2023, about the possible placement of a Russian fleet in occupied Ochamchire drew the attention of Georgian and Abkhaz societies.
Objection to the "new" trade corridor of Georgia-Russia in Tskhinvali?!
The economic and transport policy of the Georgian authorities is aimed at increasing cargo turnover with the Russian Federation. 
What was the mood of Sokhumi on September 27?
Every September 27, the Abkhazian community gets ready to celebrate the day of the liberation of Sokhumi, but this year, in light of Azerbaijan's successful military operation in Karabakh, emotions are dubious. 
Calls for setting up the anti-Maidan movement contain elements of crime - Ministry of Internal Affairs and Security Service are late in responding

The calls of the leaders of the openly pro-Russian Conservative Movement/Alt-Info to set up a violent organizational union - Anti-Maidan - contain elements of crime, and urges the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the State Security Service to respond to the case immediately.

DRI: The court's ruling on the June 2 case encourages police arbitrariness and grossly restricts freedom of expression
DRI considers that the Tbilisi City Court judgment of September 27, by which the judge declared civil activists as lawbreakers due to the content of banners, represents a gross interference with freedom of expression.
Tskhinvali's selective mobility policy represents a source of corruption and discrimination against Akhalgori population

Artificial barriers to getting a pass push people to pay bribes. This corrupt mechanism is a joint economic activity of the local municipal and security services and is a heavy burden on the economically poor Georgian population.
