ქართული არასამთავრობო ორგანიზაციები ვაგრძელებთ მშვიდობიან აქციებზე დაკავებულების უფლებების დაცვას
8 ქართული არასამთავრობო ორგანიზაცია ვაგრძელებთ აპრილი-მაისის პერიოდში ,,რუსული კანონის“ წინააღმდეგ მიმდინარე საპროტესტო აქციების დროს დაკავებული პირების უფლებების დაცვას.
უფასო იურიდიულ დახმარება ბავშვებისთვის და ახალგაზრდებისთვის

DRI ადამიანის უფლებათა ცენტრთან თანამშრომლობით, გთავაზობთ უფასო იურიდიულ დახმარებას სიძულვილით მოტივირებული დანაშაულების, სიძულვილის ენის, ბულინგის/კიბერბულინგის და ძალადობის საკითხებზე.

DRI: Police inaction towards violence against protestors indicates instrumentalization of violent groups

DRI echoes the attack of organized groups on the participants in the rally held on May 2 and notes that the inaction of the law enforcement officers in relation to the violence was striking and calls on the Ministry of Internal Affairs to ensure the safety of the protestors.

DRI: The Ministry of Internal Affairs violates guidelines for acting during assemblies and demonstrations

On May 1, 2024, the Ministry of Internal Affairs used active special equipment, including pepper spray, tear gas, pepper gas shells, rubber bullets and water cannon, against protesters  in the vicinity of the Parliament.

DRI: The authorities illegally dispersed an assembly against the Russian law
The use of disproportionate physical force and special equipment to disperse the rally, as well as the illegal practice of arresting participants in the rally, prove that the Ministry of Internal Affairs went beyond the scope of legality.
DRI: Physical violence was used against all the persons detained at the rally against the "Russian law"
The Democracy Research Institute monitors the protests against the "Russian law" and provides legal aid to those detained illegally. 
DRI: The constitutional right to assembly and expression has been disregarded by the authorities
On April 16, thousands of people gathered in the vicinity of the Parliament of Georgia to protest against the "Russian law". 
DRI: The right to a fair trial is being violated in relation to the case of Lazare Grigoriadis
Today, Tbilisi City Court will announce its final judgement relating to the case of Lazare Grigoriadis, who was arrested during the protests against the Russian law "On Transparency of Foreign Influence". 
DRI files a constitutional lawsuit regarding the criminal norm relating to the damage/destruction of another person's property committed by a group

The Democracy Research Institute has filed a constitutional lawsuit with the Constitutional Court. The normative content of Article 187, part 2, subparagraph c, of the Criminal Code and the non-alternative punishment provided for it, are inconsistent with the Constitution.

According to the de facto public defender of occupied Abkhazia, there is an alarming situation in prisons of Abkhazia
According to the report of Anas Kishmaria, commissioner for human rights of occupied Abkhazia, which she presented to the de facto parliament of Abkhazia on March 14, the rights situation of prisoners in Abkhazia is alarming. 