Discussions and concerns about the draft law on
agents of foreign influence have not subsided in Abkhazia.
The Democracy Research Institute echoes the cases of physical retaliation against participants in the rally by the employees of the riot police on the territory adjacent to the Parliament on May 13, which cannot be considered legal police measures.
DRI ადამიანის უფლებათა ცენტრთან თანამშრომლობით, გთავაზობთ უფასო იურიდიულ დახმარებას სიძულვილით მოტივირებული დანაშაულების, სიძულვილის ენის, ბულინგის/კიბერბულინგის და ძალადობის საკითხებზე.
DRI echoes the attack of organized groups on the participants in the rally held on May 2 and notes that the inaction of the law enforcement officers in relation to the violence was striking and calls on the Ministry of Internal Affairs to ensure the safety of the protestors.
On May 1, 2024, the Ministry of Internal Affairs used active special equipment, including pepper spray, tear gas, pepper gas shells, rubber bullets and water cannon, against protesters in the vicinity of the Parliament.