According to the observations of the Democracy Research Institute, Russia uses the export of petroleum products to strengthen its influence in occupied Abkhazia and Tskhinvali.
The Democracy Research Institute applied to the Prime Minister and the Chairman of the Parliament with an initiative to alleviate the acute socio-economic problems in the villages located along the occupation line.
43-year-old Vitali Karbaia, a resident of the village of Tsarche, Gali district, died of injuries sustained as a result of a severe beating by the Gali de facto militia.
In 2023, like the amount donated, the number of donors also drastically reduced. From January 2023 to November 2023, the Conservative Movement received 43 donations, while in 2022 this figure was 558.
The court terminated proceedings against 6 persons and applied only verbal reprimands against 2 persons.