DRI: Russia is exacerbating the economic crisis in Abkhazia and Tskhinvali by legalizing monopoly on oil products

According to the observations of the Democracy Research Institute, Russia uses the export of petroleum products to strengthen its influence in occupied Abkhazia and Tskhinvali.

DRI: Russia conducts exercises at the naval base in Abkhazia - simulation of repelling an attack with missile/strike drones
The Democracy Research Institute periodically provides the public with information regarding the deployment of the military navy in Abkhazia.
DRI: The Government's selective attitude towards protesters incites aggression of violent groups
The Democracy Research Institute echoes the police response to the protest rally organized by the Conservative Movement/Alt-Info near Nata Peradze's house on January 10. 
DRI addresses the authorities relating to problems of the villages located along the occupation line

The Democracy Research Institute applied to the Prime Minister and the Chairman of the Parliament with an initiative to alleviate the acute socio-economic problems in the villages located along the occupation line.

DRI: The different decision made regarding two participants in Racha protests lowers the standard of protection of freedom of expression
On December 15, 2023, Tbilisi City Court declared a decision regarding the 3 persons arrested at the rally against the sale of Racha forests. Judge Meri Guluashvili terminated proceedings against one activist, and fined two persons GEL 2000. 
DRI: The Prosecutor's Office of Georgia should launch an investigation into the killing of Vitali Karbaia

43-year-old Vitali Karbaia, a resident of the village of Tsarche, Gali district, died of injuries sustained as a result of a severe beating by the Gali de facto militia.

DRI: The source of funding of Alt-Info, which has the aim of cooperating with a hostile state, should be a matter of interest to the authorities

In 2023, like the amount donated, the number of donors also drastically reduced. From January 2023 to November 2023, the Conservative Movement received 43 donations, while in 2022 this figure was 558.

DRI: The court ruling relating to Racha protesters is a positive precedent in terms of protection of the right to peaceful assembly

The court terminated proceedings against 6 persons and applied only verbal reprimands against 2 persons.

DRI: Russia is de facto using Abkhazia's energy crisis to annex strategic facilities
An energy crisis has started in Abkhazia. As winter is approaching, the Russian Federation has demanded payment for the electricity supplied to the de facto authorities of Abkhazia. 
DRI: The authorities are illegally restricting the freedom of assembly and expression of the partcipants in the Racha protests
DRI considers that the authorities, from the very the beginning of the protests, used disproportionate force against peaceful protesters, who have not resorted to violence at any stage of the protests.