Direct air traffic with Russia - financial benefits of pro-Kremlin groups
The first flight from Moscow to Tbilisi was performed by the Russian airline Azimuth, the director general of which is Pavel Ekzhanov. Ekzhanov and Azimuth are sanctioned by Ukraine.
DRI: Russian "soft power" is still active - social aid was brought to Gali villages from Krasnodar region

At the end of May 2023, social aid arrived in Gali from the Krasnodar region, which aims to increase the local population’s support to Russia.

DRI: Arresting participants in peaceful protests threatens democratic values

According to the publicly spread information, on June 2, in the vicinity of the Parliament of Georgia, several people were detained for making inscriptions on a poster.

Civil society responds to the statement made by the Prime Minister of Georgia
Civil society organizations condemn the statement made by the Prime Minister of Georgia, Irakli Gharibashvili, at GLOBSEC’s 2023 Bratislava Forum on May 30.
Compared to 2022, Official Donations to "Conservative Movement/Alt-Info" are Down
The Democracy Research Institute continues to monitor political activities and donors of the violent political group "Conservative Movement/Alt-Info".
Direct Flights to Russia - pro-Russian Focus of the Far-Right Wing
The direct flight of the Russian airline "Azimut" to Georgia on May 19, 2023,  was met with protests from the civil sector and positive responses from far-right groups. 
Muhajirism without Georgian Government’s political assessment
On May 21, our Abkhaz compatriots commemorate the tragic date of the beginning of the Muhajirism of Muslim Abkhazians. In 1867 more than fifty thousand Abkhazians left their homeland, who were forced by the Russian Empire to emigrate to Turkey. 
Gali public school director bullies children

According to the information available to the Democracy Research Institute, the director of the second public school of Gali has been insulting the locals of Gali every day for 11 years, emphasizing their ethnic origin and place of residence.

31 years have passed since the tragedy of Dzari
May 20, the Ossetian people recall the most horrific date of the 1991-1992 Georgian-Ossetian conflict. 
DRI calls on the authorities to release the protestors detained at Tbilisi airport as soon as possible

DRI echoes the arrest of the participants in the protest rally held at Tbilisi Airport and calls on the authorities not to use repressive police measures towards the peaceful civil protest expressed against the growing influence of the occupying country.
